Alpha and the Omega: the SharePoint journey beginning to end and everything in between

11:10 - 11:50

This presentation will cover records management from beginning to end. Digital Room to Digital Preservation, and everything in between. Life Cycle or Continuum? This session will focus on the journey of records from conception to deletion or preservation. It will show the opportunities that MS365 brings and benefits of the utilising a structure and metadata to support records management. It will include interactive demonstrations, case studies, methodologies, and concepts. A transformation and cultural change model will be integral to this session, highlighting the benefits of getting the ‘people in the organisation’ on board. The new Local Government Classification has been updated for launch at the conference but this presentation will show everyone how it can be adapted and used for ALL organisations – public or private. Key focus points of this presentation will be a case study on MS365 solution for Digital Mail Room as well as opportunities for Digital Preservation.