Natali Higgins

IG Manager (Corporate Records)
NHS Ayrshire & Arran
Focusing on the sand bed of records management amid the waves of information

For the past seven years I have held the role of Information Governance Manager (Corporate Records) within NHS Ayrshire & Arran. I am responsible for embedding a high standard of records management into the day to day handling of corporate records in order to support the efficient delivery of services and compliance with legislation. In 2022 I was seconded (part-time) to the Scottish Government to undertake a review of the Records Management Code of Practice for Health and Social Care, which I do alongside my NHS role. I Chair the NHS Scotland Records Management Forum and I am a records management lead in NHS Scotland’s implementation of M365. I am very passionate about the importance of the profession and have a clear determination to raise the profile of records management in order that we improve our current practices and approach improvement / transformation with a ‘records management by design’ ethos.